Connecting with the Arcturians 5 Use Arcturian Cosmic Consciousness for Planetary Repair


Connecting with the Arcturians 5 Use Arcturian Cosmic Consciousness for Planetary Repair


1,334 円 (税抜き)

Is Earth’s crisis part of a cosmic drama? The Arcturians address this question and provide a new galactic perspective. Other planets they have visited have also gone through the type of crisis we are now experiencing. Further, the same kinds of polarizations and conflicts have occurred in the developmental cycles of other planets throughout the galaxy. Human evolutionary change includes understanding that we are biomagnetic beings of light who possess subtle energetic bodies that interact with galactic forces. Along with other tools found in this fifth volume, the Arcturians offer a subtle-body exercise called shimmering that helps us raise our spiritual vibration. It can even be used to protect us and our auras from the coronavirus. The evolutionary changes necessary for solving this crisis must be addressed both personally and planetarily. This book offers a wide range of techniques, interventions, and explanations to help make sense of the current planetary crisis. It addresses the issue of how the reader, as a starseed, can contribute to solving planetary imbalance.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » SOCIAL SCIENCE
necessary experiencing changes called explanations