Destroy Civilisation: The Adventures of an Anarchist Pop Punk Band From Paris


Destroy Civilisation: The Adventures of an Anarchist Pop Punk Band From Paris


250 円 (税抜き)

I know what you want! You want a book to throw you back in time, back to the Parisian punk scene in the mid-2000s. That's your dream, kids! I know it! You want a book to help you know what it feels like to play in one of France's top anarchist pop-punk bands. You want to feel the heat, the sweat and sleepless nights without the real problem of all the bad breath and broken toilets. I know what you people want from me! You want to get lost in the insane stupidity of driving across the country in vans to play for half an hour at 4 in the morning to 4 people too drunk to remember your music the next day anyway. That's your idea of a perfect book. You want to pierce the veil of the unfathomable urge to play punk rock in the worst conditions and places known to man. We both know that! I know what you want! So this book almost does that. It takes you on the fun-filled journey of Louis Lingg and the Bombs through France's crumbling music scene before succumbing to the rabid anger, unknowable madness and uncontrollable despair of the Covid era. Hey! No book's perfect! Take the good with the bad! So yes, this book ends terribly in a pool of drool and tears. I hope that this book converts you to our values of resisting unjust authority, unflinching solidarity, mutual aid and radical love for each other and our world. Oh hell, yeah! Now you're talking! See you in the pit!画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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terribly problem insane almost unjust