Follow Me, Sweet Darling A spine-tingling short story


Follow Me, Sweet Darling A spine-tingling short story


399 円 (税抜き)

Someone killed her sister. Or was it…something? Addilyn Stratten doesn’t know how, or who, murdered her sister until she starts digging into the history of the house her sister was murdered in. The more she digs, the more she senses the need to flee as far as she can get. As each minute ticks by, experiencing strange whispers when no one is around and visions no one else sees but her, Addy starts to fear the house is at the root of it all. Detective Eddie Kline is there every step of the way, insistent that a person killed her sister, not the house. But she senses he’s keeping something from her and nothing will stop her from finding out what it is. Well, something might…whoever keeps whispering Follow Me, Sweet Darling. Note: This is not a romance. This is a standalone short story. This isn’t part of a series. Enjoy a spine-tingling short story that will keep you turning the pages until the end.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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history series >Addilyn romance experiencing