Loneliness is a potent killer


Loneliness is a potent killer


1,131 円 (税抜き)

Loneliness is all around us, even though we hardly see it. It’s like an elephant in a room which many people know is out there, but feign ignorance about its presence or existence. We hear words like ‘lonely’ and ‘loneliness’, and might conjure up visions of people sitting at home alone, not wanting to venture out of their houses. All the same, it is important to ascertain ways of identifying instances of loneliness. A thorough self-examination and close observation of people around us can help to prevent the worst from happening. Loneliness comes with feelings of emptiness, neglect, isolation, increased stress levels, low energy levels, anxiety, restlessness, low self-esteem, materialistic tendencies, like frivolous expenditures, and so on. Loneliness can also cause muscular and stomach pains, headaches, abuse of certain dangerous substances or anti-social behaviours. Those who are more likely to experience loneliness include the widowed, the indisposed or disabled. So what is this phenomenon called loneliness? Loneliness is like a plague; hence people are looking for long-lasting solutions for it. It is a feeling of disconnection, separation, abandonment, dislike, isolation and loss of intimacy or belonging. There is no doubt that lonely people are unhappy people.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » SOCIAL SCIENCE
dangerous feelings -esteem called phenomenon