Stop Negative Thinking Halt That Thought - Choose To Leave Out Thoughts That Only Harm and Hurt


Stop Negative Thinking Halt That Thought - Choose To Leave Out Thoughts That Only Harm and Hurt


410 円 (税抜き)

Worry is the active process of bringing one's fears into reality. Worrying about problems halts productivity by taking your mind off the work in hand. If you're not careful, a chronic state of worrying can lead you down a dark path that you might find hard to get out of. Always focus on the required work and required action towards your dream. Anything could happen, good or bad, but if you remain focused and do the work despite the problems, you will through with persistence and succeed. Always keep your mind on the goal, your eyes on the prize. Have an unwavering faith in your abilities no matter what. Focus on what you want, and how to get there is crucial for lasting happiness and success.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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