ILLIAD & ODYSSEY (Including the Mythology of Ancient Greece) Complete Edition with Introduction by Gilbert Murray


ILLIAD & ODYSSEY (Including the Mythology of Ancient Greece) Complete Edition with Introduction by Gilbert Murray


300 円 (税抜き)

The 'ILIAD & ODYSSEY (Including the Mythology of Ancient Greece)' serves as a seminal collection that not only showcases two of the greatest epic poems of antiquity but also enriches them with the contextual depth of Greek mythology. Edited by the renowned classical scholar Gilbert Murray, the anthology presents a vivid tableau of heroism, fate, and the human condition, explored through varied narrative styles and poetic motifs. This collection is instrumental in understanding the vast tapestry of themes such as valor, honor, and the whims of the gods, making it a cornerstone for both literary scholars and enthusiasts. Gilbert Murray, a distinguished scholar in the field of classics, brings together a comprehensive exploration that bridges the heroic tales of Homer with the rich mythology that influenced them. By doing so, Murray provides historical and cultural frameworks that amplify the epics' themes and their resonance through ages. His scholarly approach helps to illuminate the timeless nature of these narratives and their continued relevance in modern discourse on morality, leadership, and human vulnerabilities. This anthology is highly recommended for enthusiasts of classical literature and those intrigued by the philosophical and ethical questions it raises. Readers will gain not only a deeper appreciation of Homer's artistry and Murray's insightful annotations but also an enriched understanding of ancient Greek culture and its impact on Western thought. The collection is a profound invitation to traverse ancient lands and ideas, engaging with the age-old dilemmas that continue to shape human experience today.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FICTION & LITERATURE
together themes dilemmas ethical annotations