Violin Method Violin working methods to improve faster in less time


Violin Method Violin working methods to improve faster in less time


2,427 円 (税抜き)

This book is like no other. It won't teach you how to play the violin: there are dozens of effective methods for that. It will teach you how to practice the violin efficiently so that you can improve your violin as quickly as possible in the shortest time possible. You will be able to play harder and faster scores. ADVICES FOR MOTIVATION TO PLAY VIOLIN Dissociate working the violin and playing the violin Law of Least Effort Select the scores How often to play the violin per week and for how long? Warm up Vary musical style Is it necessary to learn to read music to play violin? VIOLIN WORKING TECHNIQUES Imitate great violin players Shift the beginning of the piece at each session When you fail Accidentals Scribbling How to practice a difficult section in a piece ? Avoid degradation of a piece over time The work of musical nuances Boost your progression: face new challenges How to learn by heart? TRAINING TO PLAY THE VIOLIN IN FRONT OF AN AUDIENCE OR PREPARE COMPETITIONS Marathon workout in preparation to perform in front of an audience Discomfort zone techniques. THE WORK OF THE VIOLIN VIRTUOSITY Virtuosity is mastery The metronome's work of mastery and stability Working on sections where the notes are very fast Backnibbling technique: for the ultradifficult Regularity workouts for difficult sections Working on a difficult section: x3 x5 x8 repetition Use the metronome to learn difficult and long sections that include various rhythms SPECIFIC TIPS Relaxation Separate hand work and open strings Left hand right hand coordination Play with the bow upside down Reverse the bowings Structure of a working session画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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>Dissociate >VIOLIN necessary musical audience