Radical Compassion Subverting a Culture of Hostility


Radical Compassion Subverting a Culture of Hostility


567 円 (税抜き)

Social media has become a warzone for politics, millions are suffering from anxiety and depression and millions more lack basic necessities for quality of life. The world often feels more against us than with us and compassion has become the furthest thing from the conversation. This robs us, our relationships, and our community from engaging a life of the love, grace and dignity we all deserve. If we are going to pick a battle to fight, let’s fight a culture of hostility with a hands-on approach toward compassion. Join the conversation, challenge the norm and set precedence to say we can all do better, collectively.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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furthest against dignity precedence engaging