Mexican Standoff When cartels collide


Mexican Standoff When cartels collide


549 円 (税抜き)

When cartels clash, something explosive is bound to happen. Harry Linley finds himself yet again at the heart of a chain of events he can’t control, starting with his new Russian mistress, who isn’t all she seems. While her own mafia surreptitiously pillages a Mexican drug lord’s secret accounts, one of her glamorous former enforcers is out for revenge, fresh from a stint in an Emirati jail. Hot on her trail is an embittered multi-millionaire Iranian crook ripped off by her on more than one occasion. And both in turn, are under close surveillance by an ever watchful Dubai detective. But no one is sitting quietly at home. Through cybercrime and classic violence, this mob war rages both online and in the streets, from Mexico to London, through India and Moscow, as the world’s authorities, always one step behind, try to make sense of it all. This hilarious intrigue rounds out a masterful trilogy, bringing back some beloved ? and highly flawed ? characters, whose fates refuse to disentangle themselves. The question is, who will come out on top, and who will fall?画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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violence refuse Linley >While Mexican