The Tanakh of the Mashiach Including the Books of Moses


The Tanakh of the Mashiach Including the Books of Moses


414 円 (税抜き)

This book reveals that after two thousand years of biblical study absolutely nothing has been learnt by biblical scholars about the origins of the stories found in the Tanakh, Old Testament. The general reader shall discover on examination of this work that Judaism has at its core Scriptures based upon the Twelve Divisions of the Egyptian Tuat known as the ‘Book of Gates.’ This text made its first appearance with Horemheb the last Pharoah of the 18th dynasty. The best-known complete version is found on the tomb of SETI l who reigned between 1290 ? 1279 BC. If my conclusions are correct and I leave the reader to make up his or her mind on this matter, what I am able to demonstrate here with as much clarity as possible through the pictorials of Ancient Egypt will have far reaching consequences for the three abrahamic faiths.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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matter Horemheb demonstrate reveals origins