A Well-Launched Life How Young People Can Live an Intentional, Fulfilling Life


A Well-Launched Life How Young People Can Live an Intentional, Fulfilling Life


452 円 (税抜き)

Transitioning from a teen to a self-sufficient adult can be a rocky road, littered with many choices to make and potholes to navigate. Choices like, should you go to college? What kind of career do you want? Will you make enough money to live and save for the lifestyle you want? What type of partner are you looking for? The choices you make during this time will impact the rest of your life, so you must choose carefully. The purpose of this book is to introduce you to a practical and simple method to plan and live a God-centered life with few mistakes and regrets. A Well-Launched Life is chocked full of practical advice on these important questions and looks at more personal questions surrounding addiction, premarital sex, and dealing with all types of abuse. You'll learn from author Bruce Sheridan's hilarious and sometimes treacherous real-life examples about how to, or not to navigate this defining decade.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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