It's A Creep's World Hey, listen


It's A Creep's World Hey, listen


450 円 (税抜き)

It's A Creep's World A woman writes and offers to a creep an essay on creeps. "I called you to say that I was attacked on my way home; that I was very lucky to escape; that I had bruises, scratches and abrasions; that I was bleeding, shaking and crying. I told you I lost my things and purse and that my clothes were torn. You sounded very worried and tried to be comforting. At first. It took less than five minutes of conversation for you to ask me, ever so casually, so innocently, the question every creep asks: 'What were you wearing?' That's what you wanted to know all along; that's the only piece of information you needed to get out of me, from the first second I told you I was attacked. Anything to prove it was my fault. It always is our fault."画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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always called second escape Anything