Montpelier Transformed A Monument to James Madison and Its Enslaved Community


Montpelier Transformed A Monument to James Madison and Its Enslaved Community


2,099 円 (税抜き)

By the late 20th century, Montpelier, the home of James and Dolley Madison, had been altered until it would no longer have been recognizable to the couple. In 2000 the newly-created Montpelier Foundation took over management of the historic home with the seemingly insurmountable task of restoring it to be a visual record of the Madisons' era. Within ten years, the Foundation overcame numerous hurdles, turning Montpelier into a monument to the Father of the Constitution. Over the next decade the site also became a monument to Montpelier's enslaved. The buildings in their community next to the Madisons' home were reconstructed, and award-winning exhibits dramatically illustrate the tragedy of slavery and essential role of enslaved people in Madison's life. Foundation co-founder William H. Lewis details the nonprofit's ambitious preservation projects and remarkable achievements.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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