It's amazing to read about all the challenges Kris Rock faced and was able to overcome. I am very much like her in so many ways, it was like I had lived her life in another time zone. Very enjoyable and exciting read. I look forward to her next book. This book is a memoir of Kris Rock, who is a Type 1 Bipolar person. The book describes how bipolar disorder can affect each stage of human development, so that one bad decision or action can affect the rest of the person's life. I describe what is it like to be bipolar and what happens during manic and depressive moods. I describe the life events that led me to be diagnosed as a mentally ill person. I show what methods I used to control these moods. This book ends on an upswing, when I have learned methods to manage both bad manic swings and a deep depression.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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