Accessing Clear Guidance Help and Answers Through Inspired Writing and Inner Knowing


Accessing Clear Guidance Help and Answers Through Inspired Writing and Inner Knowing


685 円 (税抜き)

How Can You Know What Will Be Best? Should I take that job? Is this the man I should marry? How can I gracefully get out of this marriage? Is this a good time to start a new business? Every day of our lives is full of decisions, choices about all kinds of things - from the clothes we put on in the morning, products we buy, what task we do first, and the commitments we make. It is an endless stream of "this or that?" Sometimes those choices are easy. We have definite options and we can see which ones are beneficial. But what about the ones where the information that would help us choose is not available? The good news is that the information IS available - most people just don't know how to access it - and it is possible for people to get it. It's a skill that can be learned. And with some practice, it becomes something you can rely on. You'll find the tools in this book for making both practical, everyday decisions, as well as ways to receive good counsel with the biggest questions in your life. Some of that knowledge is already deep within you and some can be accessed through communications with the wider reality. It is all here for you, like opening up the internet.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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