Death by Hostility


Death by Hostility


1,020 円 (税抜き)

When two bodies are fished out of the Columbia River, the Multnomah County Sheriff's department invites Samantha Harris's insights into the investigation as a former special agent. Things heat up for Sam, her colleagues, and her new fuzzy sidekick, Doof, when they bite off more than they can chew. What began as a cut-and-dried murder investigation quickly becomes a battle for national security with a link between the murder victims and the Fraternity, a group of social-military elites led by the ruthless Roland Bauer. Backed by a team of lethally trained mercenaries, Bauer threatens Sam to drop all interest in the murders. Sam goes off the rails to protect her loved ones, leaving a trail of bullets and bodies behind her. But will she be the one to win this battle of will and might? When you mess with Sam, there's only one thing she can guarantee you: death by hostility.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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Columbia colleagues >Things bodies behind