Summary of Anne de Courcy's The Viceroy's Daughters


Summary of Anne de Courcy's The Viceroy's Daughters


500 円 (税抜き)

Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 The Englishman born to rule, George Nathaniel Curzon, epitomized this concept. He was the eldest of four brothers and six sisters, and he was born in 1859. He was passionate about Kedleston, and he sought to improve it. #2 George’s back pain affected his entire life, and it was reflected in his stiffnecked attitude and prejudices. He was a member of the coterie of aristocratic and intellectual men and women known as the Souls. #3 Lord Curzon, who was the viceroy of India, was a lover of beautiful women. He was extremely drawn to the feminine qualities of warmth, softness, and decorative serenity. He preferred spending his leisure time with women rather than men, but he treated them as if they were not equal souls worthy of being seriously considered or treated with respect. #4 Mary Leiter, the daughter of a Cleveland steamship company owner, was introduced to society in Washington, D. C. She was a beautiful, loving, and submissive woman who knew her place. She was exactly what George Curzon wanted in a wife.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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entire daughter epitomized stiffnecked Washington