Talitha Cumi Book Three of "The Girl on a Cross" Trilogy


Talitha Cumi Book Three of "The Girl on a Cross" Trilogy


968 円 (税抜き)

In book three of "The Girl on a Cross" trilogy, Russell comes center stage as he begins to tell Maria about the evil that came at him and his friends in the summer and fall of 1981. Agent Cooper Latchet is in way over his head with Tamera and her hauntingly sexual ways. Benny tries to man-up after a lifetime of living in the gutter. Holly is still being stalked by Chase, and Maria sets out on a journey to find her way home from the dark of her coma while being pursued by the same evil that was after Russell in his own childhood. Meanwhile, Maria's attackers are coming at her one more time.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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