The Resurrection Caused an Insurrection 2nd edition


The Resurrection Caused an Insurrection 2nd edition


650 円 (税抜き)

The Christian celebration held on Easter Sunday is the celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The resurrection occurs after a violent and horrid crucifixion. The crucifixion came as an insurrection to the law of sin and the law of Roman Empire at the time. There was nothing cute or tasty about the first easter celebration. But it was the proof that what Jesus said was true. Some Roman soldiers were told to fabricate stories. They were told to say that Jesus body stolen by his followers. Unfortunately, for the Roman government the stories were debunked by some guards. Over 500 people saw Jesus after his resurrection. There is too much evidence for any knowledgeable person to believe that Jesus did not truly resurrect as he promised that he would before his death on the cross. Many people today refuse to believe because of the consequences of such a belief. It would mean there is life after death. It would also mean that what Jesus said about sin and judgement are true too. It is easier for some to believe a lie than the truth. Because believing the truth has consequences. The reason I write this book is explain why the crucifixion and the resurrection are necessary. I will have to take you back to the beginning of time to do that.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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