Musclebuilding Counselor straight to gainz


Musclebuilding Counselor straight to gainz


950 円 (税抜き)

Want to be successful? Power sports are part of your life? You want to shape your body and build muscles? Do you want that as soon as possible? No problem! This book will help you. You will learn: how muscle building works in the first place What muscles need to grow What you should consider How your workout is best What your training workload should look like Which supplements really help What role protein really plays What you should eat after training And much more This book collects all important information for an athlete from personal experience, science and studies. It shortens your path to a muscular body. Let it! And then get to the iron! I wish you every success in sport. Plg画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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