Deadly Drug: How I Safely Switched to Natural Blood Thinners


Deadly Drug: How I Safely Switched to Natural Blood Thinners


650 円 (税抜き)

Discover the deadly long-term side effects of warfarin, and HOW TO THIN BLOOD NATURALLY with safe, natural blood thinner alternatives. All blood-thinning drugs have side effects, so why not switch to natural blood thinners instead? In 2013 I developed a blood clot in my leg that shot to my lungs and very nearly killed me. The doctor put me on warfarin, but after 6 months of research I ditched the rat poison and switched to natural blood clotting remedies instead ? in May 2022 I'm still well and clot free. :) This book tells my story and walks you simply and easily through all you need to know to replace warfarin and other blood-thinner drugs with natural ways to keep blood thin.? Here you'll learn about . . .? 10 ways to keep blood thin ? natural blood thinner without side effects How inflammation causes blood clots Blood thinning foods ? natural anti blood clotting foods What is the best natural blood thinner? How safe is ASPIRIN? A free way to get naturally thin blood ? it's not exercise A list of foods that cause blood clots ? avoid them to get thinner blood An amazing anti-clotting medical device What to do if you have factor V Leiden And much more . . . Do you feel like you're a slave, trapped in a drugs-based medical system that just treats ? but fails to cure ? ill health? Then this book is for you. Read it and educate yourself about safe and effective natural blood clot prevention your doctor will likely never tell you about ? even if he or she knows what it is.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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easily treats Leiden yourself ditched