Vedanta Philosophy: Three Lectures on Philosophy of Work. Vol IV


Vedanta Philosophy: Three Lectures on Philosophy of Work. Vol IV


586 円 (税抜き)

Those who understand the Philosophy of Work and act accordingly, are pure in heart and enter into the life of Blessedness. In Sanskrit this philosophy of work is called Karma Yoga. It is one of the methods by which the final goal of Truth may be realized. There are three othersーthat of love, that of wisdom, and that of concentration and meditation; but all these paths are like so many rivers which ultimately flow into the ocean of Truth, and each is suited to the mental and physical conditions of different individuals. One in whom the feeling of worship is predominant will naturally choose the path of love and devotion; another, more philosophical, will take that of discrimination; a third will prefer the practice of concentration and meditation; while those who have an instinctive tendency to work, who are neither philosophical nor able to concentrate or meditate, and who find it difficult to believe in a personal God, may, without worship or devotion, reach realization through the knowledge of the secret of right action.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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