Capacitors Collide


Capacitors Collide


1,174 円 (税抜き)

One morning, when Jack Zailer's parents tell him to find new movies for their movie shop's inventory, something he's done countless times before, he finds a video that he first believes to be a trailer for some new zombie movie, one of his favourite types of entertainment. But as he looks into it further, more zombie videos begin to appear, and he starts to notice things do not seem right. Soon they have the family building fortified, and ready for what they think might come, but what does arise over time is much more than anyone ever expected. Everything from the concept of death, to life itself, changes. Nothing will ever be the same, no matter how much people hoped it would. That especially goes for Jack Zailer, as he gets the biggest shock of his life, propelling him into a life he’d only ever seen in the movies he’d enjoyed and sold.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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