A Woman’s Battles and Transformations


A Woman’s Battles and Transformations


1,404 円 (税抜き)

?douard Louis is one of the most important literary voices of his generation' Guardian One day, ?douard Louis finds a photograph of his mother from twenty years ago: a happy young woman, full of hopes and dreams. But growing up, ?douard only knew his mother's sadness - what happened in those years since the photo was taken? Then, at the age of forty-five, ?douard's mother frees herself from this life of oppression, to start a new one in Paris. A Woman's Battles and Transformations reckons with the cruel systems that govern our lives - and with the possibility of escape. It is a tender portrait of a mother, and an honouring of her self-discovery as she chooses to live on her own terms. 'Tash Aw's sensitive translation captures the vividness of Louis's voice... Movingly, the book demonstrates the pain that moving from one social class to another entails' Times Literary Supplement 'A tenderness of observation' New York Times 'Incandescent...Louis's most hopeful book to date' Los Angeles Times Translated from the French by Tash Aw画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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