Schwager's Car Nicobar Foraminifera in the Reports of the Novara Expedition A Revision


Schwager's Car Nicobar Foraminifera in the Reports of the Novara Expedition A Revision


17,092 円 (税抜き)

Schwager's work in 1866 on the car Nicobar Island pliocene foraminifera(Northern Indian Ocean) is one of the earliest detailed accounts of foraminifera and has been referred to by foraminiferal workers throughout the world.Unfortunataly,the type specimens of schwager were lost and all references to schwager's species have been based on figures and descriptions in his original monograph. The authors of this monograph have made a detailed study of the car Nicobar foraminifera after schwager.Their study has shown that most of the references to schwaager's species by later workers are not valid in the terms of modern foraminiferal classification.This monograph redescribes and reillustrates schwager's valid species for the benefit of micropalaeontologists working on the cenozoic smaller foraminifera.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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benefit Island species cenozoic throughout