Choose your WoW - Second Edition (JAPANESE) A Disciplined Agile Approach to Optimizing Your Way of Working


Choose your WoW - Second Edition (JAPANESE) A Disciplined Agile Approach to Optimizing Your Way of Working


2,739 円 (税抜き)

Hundreds of organizations around the world have already benefited from Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD). Disciplined Agile? (DA?) is the only comprehensive tool kit available for guidance on building high-performance agile teams and optimizing your way of working (WoW). As a hybrid of the leading agile, lean, and traditional approaches, DA provides hundreds of strategies to help you make better decisions within your agile teams, balancing self-organization with the realities and constraints of your unique enterprise context. This book: ?Provides a foundation for enterprise agility, value streams, and a disciplined approach to DevOps;?Is a pragmatic application of agile, lean, and traditional techniques for your enterprise-class environment; ?Overviews a strategy for teams to evolve a fit-for-purpose, flexible WoW that still supports a consistent governance strategy for leadership; and ?Makes a perfect study guide for Disciplined Agile certification. Why “fail fast” (as the agile industry likes to recommend) when you can learn quickly on your journey to high performance? With this book, you can make better decisions based upon proven, context-based strategies, leading to earlier success and better outcomes.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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building streams -performance pragmatic already