The Dream-Escape Including: The Eyes of a Marchesa


The Dream-Escape Including: The Eyes of a Marchesa


800 円 (税抜き)

The Dream-Escape series is a four-part series based on a young man who enters into an interactive dream world and finds temporary escape from reality once his senses are triggered. Part 1 (Dreams of Linen): This is the opening story where John realizes he has the capability to enter into dreams at will. He accidently enters into someone else’s dreams and finds himself in dead-dream-like state which he struggles to get out of. Part 2 (Searching for Mary): A continuation of the Dreams of Linen story, John returns to search for the love that he betrayed, but his journey does not go as planned, resulting in a complicated love triangle. Part 3 (The Eyes of a Marchesa): This story is based on the famous portrait that is displayed at the Art Gallery of Ontario - AGO. The subject of the portrait is the famous heiress and muse, The Marchesa Luisa Casati. The protagonist enters into his Dream-Escape with the Marchesa in 1919 Paris and falls in love. Part 4 (The Shadow in the Window): The final story of the Dream-Escape series, John moves once again into a building with a vacant apartment. The shadow in the window becomes his new friend and takes him into one last Dream-Escape that involves, the dark past, friendship and betrayal.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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building friendship vacant accidently heiress