Write Regardless! A no-nonsense guide to plotting, packaging & promoting your book


Write Regardless! A no-nonsense guide to plotting, packaging & promoting your book


1,098 円 (税抜き)

"Writing is about doing the work. Publishing is about even harder work. Marketing and promoting a book is the hardest work most independent publishers will ever do." But Australian journalist and writer Michael Burge (traditionally published author of Tank Water and author/publisher of Questionable Deeds) doesn't want writers to be put off. In this insightful and easy-to-read book, he shares his transition from jobbing journalist to published novelist and memoir publisher. Write Regardless! is Michael's no-nonsense guide to plotting, packaging and promoting an independent publication without getting ripped off along the way. Designed for writers who have rejection letters piling up, or those who simply don't want to approach publishers, Write Regardless! reveals how to set up a social media platform and manage the publication process; and the benefits of print on demand services. It includes Michael's popular article Writer, resuscitate your manuscript!, designed to kickstart stalled writing projects with a fun and analytical approach to storytelling.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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