Caminante - Wanderer My Bilingual Journey


Caminante - Wanderer My Bilingual Journey


548 円 (税抜き)

Caminante ? Wanderer is the story of loss and the struggle to recuperate that which is lost. We all make our own way in this world, and, as the poet Antonio Machado pointed out, the path is one we make as we travel. There is no specific way to make that journey, no guidebook. Each of us has our own struggles. Caminante ? Wanderer is the story, in verse, of a journey. The book is divided into five sections. The first is Awakening, when the author felt the desire to try and recapture the native language that she felt she had lost. The second one is Sleeplessness, as she wondered how to go about it, followed by Memory, returning to her native country and language. Rescue deals with emerging solution to the dilemma, and finally, Forgetting, as once the conflict was resolved, it was forgotten.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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language solution >Caminante Antonio guidebook