History of China From the Opium Wars to the victory of the Communists


History of China From the Opium Wars to the victory of the Communists


686 円 (税抜き)

China's history since the Opium Wars has been one of struggle with its own identity and indignity through the hands of European powers and Japan. In this overview history, the decline of the empire, the conflict-ridden young republic, the civil war, the Sino-Japanese war and the victory of the communists are to be considered. geb. 1982; Studium der Geschichte an der Universit?t Wien, Buch und E-Book Autor von Reisef?hrern, geschichtlichen Werken, Biographien, u. v. m.; Halbmarathon- und X-Cross Run L?ufer,画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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