Listos Para La Universidad es una gu?a integral para padres que desmitifica la transici?n a la universidad-y satisfar? las necesidades de los padres de habla hispana con estudiantes universitarios entrantes. El primer a?o de universidad est? lleno de emoci?n e incertidumbre. Listos Para La Universidad brinda una gu?a pr?ctica, por parte de un grupo de administradores universitarios expertos, sobre lo que se debe hacer durante el verano previo a la universidad, al dejar a los estudiantes en su respectivo campus y durante el primer semestre en la universidad. Los cap?tulos abordan las inquietudes m?s relevantes, como el hacer maletas, el dinero, el mantenerse conectado, la promoci?n de una independencia responsable y el apoyo al ?xito acad?mico. Las listas de verificaci?n le aseguran de no olvidar ninguna tarea importante durante el verano y los temas para iniciar conversaci?n al final de cada cap?tulo lo ayudar?n a iniciar esas pl?ticas que son muy dif?ciles, pero a la vez muy necesarias. Esta traducci?n especial de Listos Para La Universidad incluye contenido adicional quebrinda orientaci?n ?til y culturalmente relevante a los padres hispanos de primera generaci?n. The first year of college is full of excitement and uncertainty for students and parents. And this Fall brings additional challenges and stress. The 2022-23 college experience will be different from anything a parent might have experienced themselves, or anything they have experienced with other children, as each college student's journey is unique. And there are additional unknowns as students begin college in 2022. College administrators are beginning to see the true impact of COVID on our young students. Incoming college students have experienced academic disruption again and again and may not even fully understand how to manage their time, and the study skills needed for college-level work. Parental support of students means even more today. College Ready 2022 provides practical guidance on what should be done during the summer, during drop-off, and the entire academic year. College Ready 2022 addresses topics that parents think most about. Chapters provide expert guidance on top-of-mind concerns including packing, money, staying connected, promoting responsible independence, and supporting academic success. College Ready 2022 is action-oriented and includes Checklists so you don't forget anything and don't do things you shouldn't! And the book is full of ideas on how to start those tough, but very much needed, conversations. Not only will having these conversations assist you in your college preparations, but they will also open new lines of communication that can continue during the school year. College Ready 2022 is edited by Chelsea Petree, Ph.D., who is the Director of Parent and Family Programs at the Rochester Institute of Technology. Each contributor to College Ready 2022 is a current or former college administrator who has worked extensively with parents and families of students. They are all members of AHEPPP: Family Engagement in Higher Education, the only professional association in the world dedicated to parent/family involvement in the college experience. These contributors are experts in the field overall and in the chapters they penned. College Ready 2022 is for parents, family members, caregivers, siblings, mentors, and any supporters of a soon-to-be college student.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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