50 Intermediate Everyday English Dialogues English Conversation / B1-B2


50 Intermediate Everyday English Dialogues English Conversation / B1-B2


1,450 円 (税抜き)

Do you want to improve your English conversation? This book is designed to help intermediate learners understand and speak informal, colloquial English - as spoken by native speakers. The 50 dialogues cover a huge variety of everyday topics. They’re fun, as well as good for your English. Every dialogue includes a vocabulary list and comprehension questions with answers. Topics include: I need a holiday, Talking politics, Schoolwork, Hotel bill, Discussing books, Party, Asking for help, University costs, Buying a car, Working from home, and 40 more! Written by an experienced teacher of English as a foreign language from the UK.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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language >Written dialogues English speakers