Great Work: Do What Matters Most Without Sacrificing Everything Else


Great Work: Do What Matters Most Without Sacrificing Everything Else


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Crowell’s inviting guide helps turn overcommitted, exhausted readers into productive and engaged dream-followers. ーBookLife Reviews Why is it that our Great Work-- the work that matters the most to us-- is the first thing to go when we get busy? How can we finally prioritize our Great Work? And, how can we do our Great Work without sacrificing everything else? In this refreshingly hopeful book, Dr. Amanda Crowell gives us clear, research-backed answers to these questions. In these pages, you'll discover the Great Work Method, a simple process to: - Make time and space for the work that matters the most to you - Discover and explore your Great Work - Avoid the three horsemen of the goalpocalypse: burnout, procrastination, and perfectionism - Enjoy a life full of productivity and happiness, accomplishment and rest, Great Work, and the rest of what makes life beautiful In this short, delightful book, Dr. Crowell convinces us that we can do Great Work without sacrificing everything else.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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horsemen sacrificing Crowell burnout . ーBookLife