Mindful Conversation Speak Openly, Connect Deeply, Live Joyously


Mindful Conversation Speak Openly, Connect Deeply, Live Joyously


1,234 円 (税抜き)

Expand your world with deeper connection and more compelling expression. Stir in less anxiety, less struggle, more peace. In short, this book can bring you: better relationships, improved satisfaction, joy This book explores the three levels of conversation in a delightful mix of inspiration, practical advice, humor, stories, and practice exercises to guide you along the path. If you've ever felt left out or wondered why others don't pay attention to what you say, felt stuck about how to start (or end) a conversation, or been "triggered" by the very person you most need to connect with, this book is your friend and ally. Conversations with your partner, your children, your boss, your parents, with difficult people, customers and strangers -- the secrets are revealed in these pages. Mindful Conversation presents a fresh inner/outer approach to the most important life skill you never studied in school. A compelling, enjoyable and practical guide for the intelligent conversationalist eager to move beyond small talk. Change how you talk. Change how you listen. Change your relationships with others, and yourself. Change your life.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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studied intelligent enjoyable yourself Conversation