Roman Warriors The Paintings of Graham Sumner


Roman Warriors The Paintings of Graham Sumner


1,761 円 (税抜き)

Gathering together stunning artwork from Graham Sumner’s impressive, expansive portfolio, featuring never-before-seen illustrations from the artist and reminding us of his exceptional ability to bring Ancient Rome to life through painting, this colorful, comprehensive anthology is a must-have for any enthusiast of the period, and of military history in general. Introduced with a foreword by best-selling historian and author Adrian Goldsworthy, Sumner’s beautiful color reconstructions of Ancient Roman warriors over time are complemented expertly with informative, enlightening text by eminent historian and author Simon Elliott. This combination of Sumner’s illustrations and Elliott’s writing leaves no stone unturned as they divulge information about this fascinating period of military history in mesmerizing, intricate detail. Readers will swiftly become fully immersed in this ancient world, and will leave it with a wealth of knowledge about and a profound understanding of the warriors of Ancient Rome, and a great appreciation for Sumner and Elliott’s expertise in the area.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » ART & ENTERTAINMENT
impressive artist leaves together history