Resurrecting St. John the Rancher


Resurrecting St. John the Rancher


823 円 (税抜き)

WHEN RECENTLY WIDOWED SCOOTER JAMES returns to his boyhood home for his annual hunting trip, all he's looking for are a few pheasant and some peace and quiet. What he finds are the demons he's been running from since childhood, and the mysterious death of his mentor, John, a profane old rancher-a death in which Scooter played a supporting role. The trip goes weirdly wrong when John pays a ghostly visit, and detours and roadblocks abound as Scooter seeks the truth about his friend. John's daughter, Shelia Mae, whom Scooter has lusted after since high school, is seeking her own answers, while her jealous old boyfriend Sheriff Luke wants to take his rival down. Through it all Scooter struggles with the death of his wife, failed relationships, and his own mortality. In the end, however, as the truth unravels, Resurrecting John the Rancher becomes a story of redemption and growth-a lesson in how to live a good life and die an equally good death.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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daughter profane looking equally failed