The Beginning of the End! A testimony of reliving a near-death experience through PTSD brought on by ephedra., #1


The Beginning of the End! A testimony of reliving a near-death experience through PTSD brought on by ephedra., #1


1,400 円 (税抜き)

This is the true story of a lady who relived a near-death experience through post-traumatic stress disorder in the church years after a car accident in which she nearly died. During this experience, she was caught up to meet the Lord in the air, but the church was left behind. Now she was faced with convincing the church leaders to repent, get right, or be hell bound. Will she be able to convince all the ungodly of the ungodly deeds they are doing so they will be prepared for the ultimate rapture of the Lord, or will the church be left for eternal damnation? Let's read and find out what happened.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FAMILY LIFE & COMICS
relived leaders damnation ungodly ultimate