Bagpipes, Planes, and Strings A Woman'S Journey in Letting Go


Bagpipes, Planes, and Strings A Woman'S Journey in Letting Go


845 円 (税抜き)

Author Susanne Kessaris knew from the miraculous births of her children that God was speaking to her early on about letting go, but like most parents, she wanted to cling tightly and was not prepared for the day they grew up. In Bagpipes, Planes, and Strings, she talks about how she fought to surrender to Gods will through a series of events.First, she had a scary ordeal with skin cancer. A few short years later, she found herself facing an emergency hysterectomy. Next, she struggled to release her daughter to pursue a calling to go on a mission in South America. She later lost her father to congestive heart failure. When her family decided to sell their house and move, she was finally willing to let go and realize that God had strengthened her to face her life challenges one step at a time.Bagpipes, Planes, and Strings refers to sounds that will forever stir Susannes soul and remind her of each of her painful journeys of letting go. Her inspiring story of grace and faith challenges you to embrace God, the only constant you have when your world is falling apart around you and the future seems hopeless and out of reach.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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daughter America miraculous release constant