Alzheimer's Disease A Caregiver's Guide with Answers to Questions and a Path to Spiritual Healing


Alzheimer's Disease A Caregiver's Guide with Answers to Questions and a Path to Spiritual Healing


1,333 円 (税抜き)

An essential resource guide for any family coping with a diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease or other Dementia conditions. In an effort to support caregivers, essential information and resources are presented including strategies for avoiding burnout. The spiritual aspects of caregiving are also addressed, which can be helpful when dealing with such a potentially disheartening situation. This guidebook can also be utilized as a foundation for a caregiver support group. The author personally dealt with the issues described while working as a caregiver and hopes to support others in this challenging situation through their experience. About the Author Robert Needham is a former memory-care volunteer who observed the worry, pain, and suffering experienced by caregivers who were fortunate enough to afford the cost of 24/7 inpatient care. This led him to ponder how caregivers who lack financial resources handle the physical, emotional, and financial tole of attempting in-home care. This book resulted from his research and hopefully can advise how to cope and survive through caring for a loved one with Alzheimer's Disease or other Dementia conditions at home. Book Review 1: "This book is a must-have for anyone caring for a victim of dementia. Alzheimer's Disease, A Caregiver's Guide, offers not only general understanding of the condition and its various manifestations but everyday practical methods for easing and reassuring the patient to allow time and energy for the overburdened caregiver. It is a win-win bible for anyone caught in the grip of this puzzling and heart-wrenching disease." -- Barbara Gregory, Retired Publisher Book Review 2: "Dementia and Alzheimer's is such a heartbreaking diagnosis for a person. However, the impact it has on the person's loved ones is equally as heartbreaking- although not usually recognized at first. The quality of life of someone living with (not suffering from) dementia can be measured by the love, patience, understanding and strength of their caregivers. This book offers the reader understanding, tools, and resources to be the best caregiver while still taking care of one's self. The ideas and solutions presented in this book will serve as an excellent basis for any dementia support group. This is such an important resource, I wish everyone could have access to it." -- Sarah Kyprianou, Certified Dementia Practitioner Book Review 3: "While visiting a friend in a memory care facility the author, a successful, retired business executive, saw a problem that that needed a solution. He became a full-time volunteer and began a journey that helped him identify the physical, emotional, and financial toll that Alzheimer's disease has on caregivers. the result is a book that provides a road map of the progression of this neurological disease and is a helpful resource for caretakers. Specific strategies that caregivers can use for coping with memory changes, as well as mood and behavioral changes are clearly presented." -- Lillian Tibbles, PhD画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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