Smart Stimuli-Responsive Polymers, Films, and Gels


Smart Stimuli-Responsive Polymers, Films, and Gels


21,765 円 (税抜き)

Smart Stimuli-Responsive Poymers, Films, and Gels Discover the most important developments in synthesis, simulation, and applications of a fascinating compound class There exist a range of natural materials that respond to environmental changes by altering their physical or chemical properties, known as stimuli-responsive polymers, these substances are responsive to light, temperature, pressure, and more. The study of these so-called “smart” polymers is essential to a range of application fields, many of which have generated cutting-edge research in recent decades. A comprehensive introduction to the subject is therefore well-timed Smart Stimuli-Responsive Polymers, Films, and Gels provides an introduction to these polymers and their applications. It includes producing these polymers through synthetic approaches, simulating their responses to different stimuli, and applying these materials in different industries and research capacities. Written to serve the requirements of advanced students and senior researchers alike, this timely work will drive years of research in this vital field. In Smart Stimuli-Responsive Polymers, Films, and Gels readers will also find: Treatment of mechanoresponsive, photoresponsive, and ionizing-radiation responsive polymers Applications in emerging fields such as sensors, biomedicine, catalysis, and more Interdisciplinary research into the properties and responses of these vital compounds Smart Stimuli-Responsive Polymers, Films, and Gels promises to become a seminal work for chemists, materials scientists, and industrial researchers seeking to incorporate these materials into a variety of industrial and research areas.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » COMPUTERS & SCIENCE
stimuli altering changes -timed applying