Wandering Women Urban Ecologies of Italian Feminist Filmmaking


Wandering Women Urban Ecologies of Italian Feminist Filmmaking


3,431 円 (税抜き)

Wandering Women: Urban Ecologies of Italian Feminist Filmmaking explores the work of contemporary Italian women directors from feminist and ecological perspectives. Mostly relegated to the margins of the cultural scene, and concerned with women's marginality, the compelling films Wandering Women sheds light on tell stories of displacement and liminality that unfold through the act of walking in the city. The unusual emptiness of the cities that the nomadic female protagonists traverse highlights the absence of, and their wish for, life-sustaining communities. Laura Di Bianco contends that women's urban filmmakingーwhile articulating a claim for belonging and asserting cinematic and social agencyーbrings into view landscapes of the Anthropocene, where urban decay and the erasure of nature intersect with human alienation. Though a minor cinema, it is also a powerful movement of resistance against the dominant male narratives about the world we inhabit. Based on interviews with directors, Wandering Women deepens the understanding of contemporary Italian cinemawhile enriching the field of feminist ecocritical literature.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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against Anthropocene -sustaining contemporary protagonists