Alexis Plight: Sci-Fi Erotic Romance


Alexis Plight: Sci-Fi Erotic Romance


850 円 (税抜き)

Alexis is an archeologist. In 2999 this doesn't mean the same is it did in 1999. The world has changed, and humans are no longer wondering whether or not they are alone in the universe. The evidence of extra-terrestrial life, intelligent extra-terrestrial life at that, has been discovered, right here on earth. It's Alexis's job to piece together the puzzle left by human civilizations over millennia, clues left by our ancestors about the ones who came from the sky. She believes that if earth is to know its future, it seems imperative that the World Government knows if there is an inter-galactic agenda for the earth that could affect this future.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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changed together longer evidence millennia