Influences from the Being’s Inner Domain Book 3 Influences in the Later Quadrants of Life’s Circle


Influences from the Being’s Inner Domain Book 3 Influences in the Later Quadrants of Life’s Circle


548 円 (税抜き)

This is the third book in the series of Influences from the Inner Domain. All three books tell a story of the often-overlooked component of every being: their spirit domain, and why it is such a necessary component of all beings. The spirit domain is important for many reasons. It keeps us centered and on track through our journey around life’s circular path. It orchestrates and coordinates the internal workings, communications, and for most of the existence of beings was the primary influence to the mind component. It provided the mind with materials from its stores of knowledge and experience to influence and guide it, since the beginning of time. Unlike the other components of a being, spirits never die. They are reassigned to a newborn, retaining all they have gathered through time to support past, present, and future beings. Spirits, from their domain, also influenced motion and movement from the being’s physical component. This gave the being fuller flexibility, dexterity, and movement capabilities. Most important of all, it’s in the spirit domain that life itself for each being is centered and originates. This last book in the series tells of how the spirit domain’s influence diminishes over time and of the other internal components and influence becoming the more dominant drivers. It tells how the cost of this loss is great. As depicted in this third book the spirit domain continues to strive to contribute to the being’s existence, but is much hampered through the fourth and final quadrant of life’s circle to retain some contribution and an identity in determining who we are, how we act, and why we behave the way we do. There is still goodness and evil in this part of the stories, but more subtle from the spirits and their domains, and stronger from other influences from the being’s inner domain. The magic and mystical begins to dissipate. The beings and the civilization prepare for the closing of life’ circle. New ones will soon begin and follow.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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