Broken Heartbeats and Hope From a Damaging Christianity to a Divine Identity


Broken Heartbeats and Hope From a Damaging Christianity to a Divine Identity


452 円 (税抜き)

Religion broke my heart. A sectarian evangelical authority tore me away from my spiritual awareness of God, nurtured in childhood wonder by the Australian bush. It landed me in a war zone with my trusted inner self. Evil intruded into my picture of life. Trusted people became predators. I was ambushed by the Deep Sadness. This book is the story of my desperate search for some unknown relief from the grief of rejection, deception and the bullying that is spiritual abuse. When two words shone like a light from the text of the book I was studying for a Master’s degree, I was amazed. Enlightenment that required abandonment of current goals, gave wings of hope to my heart for the journey ahead.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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required sectarian predators trusted desperate