Heroes with Heat and Heart 2 Heroes with Heat and Heart, #2


Heroes with Heat and Heart 2 Heroes with Heat and Heart, #2


800 円 (税抜き)

Want to support our Wounded Warriors next? Then reserve your copy of Heroes with Heat and Heart 3 today! Fall in love with the heroes of this steamy contemporary romance anthology, including stories by Carina Alyce EmKay Connor LC Taylor Michelle Edwards Karigan Hale Andi MacDowall Lolo Paige CB Samet Heather Scarlett And featuring an exclusive story by USA Today Best Selling Author Desiree Holt This romance anthology raised $1700 for wildland firefighters charities! Thank you!画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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including Connor Wounded >Carina support