Forbidden Bad Boy Steamy Small Town Romance


Forbidden Bad Boy Steamy Small Town Romance


334 円 (税抜き)

Enjoy this steamy Bad Boy, Forbidden love, and Small town Romance by best-selling author Michelle Love. Never fall for a naughty bad boy. Especially if he's from the same small town you're from. I'd been warned to steer clear of the man who was a love 'em and leave 'em kind of person. The only problem was my will was waning where he was concerned. I wanted to feel him dominating and devouring me, and could tell he was fighting a similar battle within himself. My mind told me to stay away. But my body surrendered to him in the end. I was at his mercy. We never expected this to last, but things got real, and love started to grow. But someone wants to extinguish our love and leave us with no idea which would win out in the end, love or jealousy. Keywords: Bad Boy, Forbidden love, Small town Romance画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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