Ready. Set. Booked Holiday rental success in 10 simple steps


Ready. Set. Booked Holiday rental success in 10 simple steps


680 円 (税抜き)

HAVE YOU BEEN THINKING ABOUT A SHORT-TERM RENTAL AS AN INVESTMENT STRATEGY, BUT COULD BENEFIT FROM SOME ADVICE ON HOW TO START? DO YOU ALREADY HAVE AN INVESTMENT PROPERTY AND HAVE THOUGHT ABOUT CONVERTING TO SHORT TERM? DO YOU HAVE A HOLIDAY PROPERTY AND WANT TO EARN INCOME FROM IT? The world of short-term rentals is complex. Self-management and the processes behind it can be overwhelming, confusing and full of roadblocks. However, owning a short-term rental can offer your family and friends a fabulous holiday destination to enjoy, earn you solid returns on your investment, and is a great way to avoid the pitfalls associated with permanent tenants and leases. In Ready. Set. Booked, Rebecca Cribbin will show you the tricks to achieving investment success in short-term rentals, including: knowing where to purchase knowing what type of property will get the best return how to set up the property to appeal to the masses why guests will pay top dollar for some features and not for others what you can do to ensure that your property is booked at the highest rate for the maximum number of nights With these 'tricks of the trade' you'll be able to develop a set of skills which will ensure the best return on your investment. Ready. Set. Booked is your go-to solution for short-term-rental success, showing you the right way with a simple step-by-step guide containing all the tools, information and checklists you need to make solid, well-investigated decisions.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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