Love Yourself First! Boost Your Self-esteem in 30 Days. How to Overcome Low Self-esteem, Anxiety, Stress, Insecurity, and Self-doubt Change your habits, change your life, #4


Love Yourself First! Boost Your Self-esteem in 30 Days. How to Overcome Low Self-esteem, Anxiety, Stress, Insecurity, and Self-doubt Change your habits, change your life, #4


1,200 円 (税抜き)

Our self-esteem impacts every area of our life: our self-confidence, our relationships with others, the partner or job we choose, our happiness, our inner peace and even our personal and professional success. People with low self-esteem are highly probable to making bad decisions when choosing their partners, projects, or jobs. They are less motivated and less likely to achieve their goals. If they reach goals and success, they can't really enjoy them because they tend to be very hard on themselves. low self-esteem is associated with substance abuse, teen pregnancy, school dropouts, violence, and crime, while high self-esteem, on the other hand, helps to overcome these social ailments People with high self-esteem, on the other hand, have confidence in themselves. They allow themselves to make mistakes without feeling guilty. They are always looking for new ways to learn and growth opportunities. They consider themselves worthy - even when criticized - and have a positive attitude towards themselves and others. Having healthy self-esteem is being happy with ourselves and believing that we deserve to enjoy the good things in life, exactly like every other person on this planet. In his newest book, bestselling author, Marc Reklau, shows you in a very simple and fun way how to raise your self-esteem by doing some of the little exercises it presents to you over a period of time. Try it out. It will be worth it.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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