The Intentional Dad Embrace and Fulfill the Promise of Fatherhood


The Intentional Dad Embrace and Fulfill the Promise of Fatherhood


1,334 円 (税抜き)

**Like so many good men, you offer the best you know how to give in loving your family every day. But is it enough?** Do you long to feel confident in your calling to fatherhood? Have you quietly been searching for more clarity and understanding of your divine responsibility? What would it be like to have a long-term vision to usher your kids through the ups and downs of life and initiate them into adulthood? Good men like you secretly carry a heavy burden…a fear that, in spite of everything you offer, it isn’t enough. But regret and failure are not the inevitable outcomes of your fatherhood journey. Instead, you need something that is far too scarce for Dads: encouragement and hope. The fear you carry is not the final word. The problem is not you or your heart. There is a design for fatherhood, and you can understand it. This is my story…a fatherhood journey born out of failure and brokenness. In these pages, I offer what I have learned and experienced over more than ten years of intentional fatherhood with my kids and my wife. You were made for many things…nothing more sacred than your role as a father. This book is an invitation for men just like you to embrace and fulfill the promise of fatherhood. You can foster intimacy with your children, faithfully shepherd them through the ups and downs of life, bestow a deeply secure sense of identity as beloved sons and daughters of God, and initiate them into adulthood as men and women trained and prepared for a lifetime of intimacy with God as apprentices of Jesus. That is the promise you were made to fulfill. You were made to be an Intentional Dad.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FAMILY LIFE & COMICS
…nothing father everything lifetime foster