An Intertextual Commentary on Romans, Volume 3 Romans 9:1ー11:36


An Intertextual Commentary on Romans, Volume 3 Romans 9:1ー11:36


6,204 円 (税抜き)

An Intertextual Commentary on Romans is an exhaustive treatment of the hundreds of Old Testament citations, allusions, and echoes embedded in Paul's most famous epistle. As many scholars have acknowledged, to understand Paul's engagement with Israel's Scriptures is to understand Romans. Despite this acknowledgment, there is a dearth of reference works in which the primary focus is how the Old Testament impacts Paul's argument from Romans 1:1 to 16:27. This four-volume commentary aims to provide just such a reference. The interplay between Romans and its vast sea of Old Testament pre-texts produces unstated points of resonance that illuminate Paul's rhetorical argument from the letter's opening to its closing doxology. Volume 3 examines the scriptural pre-texts in Romans 9:1--11:36. This section of the letter is the most intertextually dense section of the New Testament and the most theologically controversial section in the entire Pauline corpus. If interpreters hope to navigate these exegetical and theological challenges, they must carefully analyze the intertextual subtext of these chapters where Paul engages Israel's Scriptures at every rhetorical turn. This volume provides such an analysis. In this way, it also contributes to the commentary's overarching aim, which is to provide scholars, interpreters, and students with verse by verse analysis of how Israel's Scriptures impact almost every clause of Paul's most famous letter.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » SOCIAL SCIENCE
entire points intertextual exegetical almost